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CHARGE TO COST OBJECT:TRIP # DESTINATIONCONFERENCE HOTELMEALS** Meal receipts - submit all receipts for the actual amount up to the per diem rate or be reimbursed at 60% of the per diem rate and do not submit food receipts.TVUNIVERSITY VEHICLEPERSONAL VEHICLE*-*Please attach documentation for actual conference dates vs. conference with personal days added. Any increase in airfare for adding personal days will be the traveler's expense. Also add comparison airfares if not returning to St. ˻ֱ but choosing to fly to a different city for personal reasons.PURPOSE OF TRAVEL* CAR RENTAL*7 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY % Medical Family Therapy Program DATE/TIME OF DEPARTUREDATE/TIME OF RETURNDirectorREGISTRATION FEES**Trip Calculator needed if trip is over 200 miles. The lowest amount will be reimbursed: personal car vs. rental car vs. airfare. Maps, rental rates and airfare quotes from Concur must be included.*Car Rental Reason (required):HOTEL (book in Concur):* Proof of payment must be provided. If the receipt shows the last four digits of a credit card, this is sufficient. Otherwise, you will need to provide your credit card statement, bank statement or both sides of the canceled check.** If you find a flight that is cheaper on some other website (Orbitz, Cheap Tickets, et cetera) you must give AMEX the opportunity to meet or beat the cheaper fare. You may do so by calling our Amex Service Agents at 1.800.955.7497, option 2. If AMEX is able to meet or beat the fare you MUST use them. If AMEX is unable to meet or beat the fare, you must get an email from them stating that fact. Then, and only then, are you free to book through another site. The email from AMEX must be uploaded into your expense report. Note: You must use AMEX Cliqbook for all air, hotel and car rental reservations. The ONLY exception to this is the conference hotel. If you stay at a conference hotel, you may make your reservations directly through the conference.UZ0 * Travel Delegate can obtain Trip #AIRFARE8Flight info for travel arranger (times/special request):Acct #: 1-20610Acct #: 2-00599Acct #: 2-01853BTOTAL REQUESTED $2#8 89;=LB5 cc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vȉ<&J &M5BNe tY>?#!mfKx=[Ԃu}ˆ ~umoLz^W/}ةLo;9iwk/_tV[,ac߬56YvYp1ϡAz 9ۮ7ެe ."Zk1~EȰ RӔ/x$( :7vʗsSj{"bF^x^xz?>~,ɸ7Gg_zy5^|?}V I򋧿>OQ>19ٵ<Ÿ8ߊaG@tOE*\ʻ/ yToN:"1Q(v; y4<$jbRa|PŻǴI Y3wJG݈8b2(<& QHT^w/B(`Z!94[Mc˴j`jG7;Q]o YC5*CocU 9 IQ/ RV+`%*;æWѼ9/#~7qZ$*cߓrUngN>%OOi Dh[BvoLJƌB6>p&>w O]>.ɲ,5,<ؾt&9 ԔEЇIIqhJ#f6kAS&2D)p3ӕ5teO`jvzEOG)9cshger-# ~fu-ԙՍh&9܊- 6 AлY3hX"M$#Fz6#b.w*lyhĭɾ̮]nR3+=,)'Kak.zi X 8Ka6!_ 5[ M܆< kW Ds/Z/j@&8?&5- C⫲K3Zw1K|D!`~J0A?Uֶy&,Xg1K#[y$[BTV)bBRvVt=낕@[\׶Dž8d4~_@`rx \kp*O69mY&ԧ HE]HKN!Vj%2BƣJԊ=" u\ӵC&Y0>g4&oN)j rihr"VTU,koy#ŬjQJpRk3܎Ws;ɢ!JT~u "֠ۀW_ Nq֙4)ڬuZˋw֒TvќXHegvtm,{2Da*20V=CoOQ2'@C8D.IrG[Ȥiࠆ)d͛|?&f9>b|w##(ɇ"C *_p=ce΂aenv*Wm瓗{varAˇ$IDpKs6* ʢG0egAnlCYt֏$Ysă)2|FS` uz'Xr*󠍒F`Bi m/Ҷj9Xrmox86tFo˜ b`>ASDbƟPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!ÄA theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  g2ɀ D[TN``ff  dMbP?_*+%&'()MFTZ_011_M260߀ odXLetteriSCDM$,SK3EFTZ_011_M260߀ odXXLetter4I "]$dd****d ȑddo dd< 222222< $@"UX&U} A} IA} I A}  A} A} IA} IA} A}  A} A} mA} I A} A} A} A} $ AD,@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J@ ,@!@ m [[\\\\\\\\\\  B Z BJ B]^____ NHHHI`Tbb B?   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