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Ana Portilla, Ph.D.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Ph.D. Mathematics, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid (Spain)
M.S. Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

Practice Areas

  • Complex Analysis
  • Geometric Function Theory
  • Graph Theory

Publications and Media Placements

The names of the authors are listed in alphabetical order.

A. Granados, D. Pestana, A. Portilla, J. M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Liouville property and quasi-isometries on negatively curved Riemannian surfaces, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 1鈥23 (2023).

J.M. Rodr铆guez, A. Granados, A. Portilla 驴Por qu茅 lo llaman estad铆stica cuando quieren decir sesgo? The Conversation; BBC; El Economista (2023).

Y. Quintana, A. Granados, A. Portilla 驴Y si en las elecciones generales cont谩ramos los votos como los suecos? The Conversation (2023).

Carballosa, A. Granados, J.A. M茅ndez-Berm煤dez, D. Pestana, A. Portilla, Computational properties of the arithmetic-geometric index, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 60 (2022): 1854鈥1871.

Granados, D. Pestana, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodriguez, Stability of p-parabolicity under quasi-isometries, Mathematische Nachrichten (2022).

J. Gonzalo, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez and E. Tour铆s, A decomposition for plane domains with the quasihyperbolic metric, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 502 (2021) 125227.

A. Granados, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez and J.M. Sigarreta, Inequalities on the Geometric-Arithmetic Index, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 50(3) 778-794 (2021)

A. Portilla, J. M. Rodr铆guez, J. M. Sigarreta, E. Touris  Gromov hyperbolicity in directed graphs.  Symmetry 12(1), 105 (2020). Special issue "Protection of graphs".

A. Granados, D. Pestana, A. Portilla, J. M. Rodr铆guez, E. Touris  Stability of the volume growth rate under quasi-isometries.  Revista Matem谩tica Complutense (2019) 1-40.

W. Carballosa, A. Granados, D. Pestana, A. Portilla, J. M. Rodr铆guez, J. M. Sigarreta Relations between some topological 铆ndices and the line graph.  Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 58(3) (2019) 1-15.

A. Portilla, J. M. Rodr铆guez, J. M. Sigarreta Recent lower bounds for Geometric-Arithmetic Index.  Discrete Mathematics Letters (1) (2019) 59-82.

A. Granados, A. Portilla La funci贸n exponencial planta cara a la homeopat铆a, Revista SUMA 93 (2019).

A. Granados, A. Portilla La vacuna solidaria: las matem谩ticas demuestran que 93=100%, El Esc茅ptico: la revista para el fomento de la raz贸n y la ciencia 51, Invierno 2019.

A. Granados, D. Pestana, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Touris Stability on the Injectivity Radius under Quasi-isometries and Applications to Isoperimetric Inequalities. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F铆sicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matem谩ticas 112(4) (2018), 1225-1247.

A. Portilla, A. Granados La homeopat铆a suspende matem谩ticas.  The Conversation; P煤blico; Cadena Ser (2018).

A. Granados, D. Pestana, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez Gromov Hyperbolicity in Mycielskian Graphs. Symmetry (2017), 9(8), 131.

A. Portilla, J. M. Rodr铆guez, J. M. Sigarreta, J.-M. Vilaire  Gromov hyperbolic tessellation graphs. Utilitas Mathematica Vol. 97 (2015) 193-212.

A. Cant贸n, A. Granados, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez. Quasi-isometries and isoperimetric inequalities in planar domains.  Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 67, No. 1 (2015) 127鈥157.

Walter Carballosa, Ana Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, J.M. Sigarreta. Planarity and Hyperbolicity in Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics. DOI: 10.1007/s00373-014-1459-4.

Alicia Cant贸n, Ana Granados, Ana Portilla, Jos茅 M. Rodr铆guez. Isoperimetric inequalities in graphs and surfaces. Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics. Sept 2014 (Vol : 46) pp. 257-264. DOI: 10.1016/j.endm.2014.08.034.

J. Gonzalo, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s. The Topology of balls in Riemannian surfaces and Gromov hyperbolicity. Mathematische Zeitschrift 275(3) (2013), 741-760.

Peter H盲st枚 , A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s. Gromov hyperbolicity of Denjoy domains through fundamental domains. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 80/3-4 (2012), 295-310.

A. Portilla, Yamilet Quintana, J. M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s. Concerning asymptotic behavior for external polynomials associated to non-diagonal Sobolev norms. Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 628031, 11 pages.

P. H盲st枚, H. Linden, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Gromov hyperbolicity of Denjoy domains with hyperbolic and quasihyperbolic metrics. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 64 (2012), 245-259.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Structure Theorem for Riemannian surfaces with arbitrary curvatureMathematische Zeitschrift. 271 (2012), 45-62.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, A very simple characterization of Gromov hyperbolicity for a special kind of Denjoy Domains. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 48 (2011), 565-583.

P. H盲st枚, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Uniformly separated sets and Gromov hyperbolicity of domains with the quasihyperbolic metric. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics n潞1, 8 (2011), 47-65.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, A real variable characterization of Gromov hyperbolicity of flute surfaces. Osaka Journal of Mathematics 48 (2011) 47-65.

A. Portilla, Y. Quintana, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Zero location and asymptotic behavior for extremal polynomials with non-diagonal Sobolev norms. Journal of Approximation Theory 162 (2010), 2225-2242.

P. H盲st枚, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Gromov hyperbolic equivalence of the hyperbolic and the quasihyperbolic metrics in Denjoy domains. Bulletin London Mathematical Society 42 (2010), 282-294.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s. The multiplication operator, zero location and asymptotic for non-diagonal Sobolev norms. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 111 (2010), 205-218.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s. Stability of Gromov hyperbolicity. Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies 2 (2009), 1-20.

P. H盲st枚, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s. Comparative Gromov hyperbolicity results for the hyperbolic and quasihyperbolic metrics. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 55 (2010), 127-135.

A. Portilla, E. Tour铆s. A characterization of Gromov hyperbolicity of surfaces with variable negative curvature. Publicacions Mathematiques.  53 (2009), 83-110.

A. Portilla, Y. Quintana, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Weierstrass' Theorem in weighted Sobolev spaces with k derivatives. The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 37 (2007) 1989-2024.

A. Portilla, Y. Quintana, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Weierstrass' Theorem with first derivatives. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 334 (2007) 1167-1198.

V. 脕lvarez, A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez y E. Tour铆s, Gromov hyperbolicity of Denjoy Domains. Geometriae Dedicata 121 (2006) 221-245.

A. Portilla, Y. Quintana, J.M. Rodr铆guez y E. Tour铆s, Weierstrass鈥 Theorem in weighted Sobolev spaces with k derivatives; announcement of results. Electronic Transactions in Numerical Analysis 24 (2006) 103-107.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez y E. Tour铆s, The role of funnels and punctures in the Gromov hyperbolicity of Riemann surfaces. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 49 (2006), 399-425.

A. Portilla, Y. Quintana, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Tour铆s, Weierstrass' Theorem with weights. Journal of Approximation Theory 127 (2004), 83-107.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez y E. Tour铆s, The topology of balls and Gromov hyperbolicity of Riemann surfaces. Differential Geometry and Applications 21 (2004), 317-335.

A. Portilla, J.M. Rodr铆guez y E. Tour铆s, Gromov hyperbolicity through decomposition of metric spaces II. The Journal of Geometric Analysis 14 (2004), 123-149.

D. Pestana, J.M. Rodr铆guez, E. Romera, E. Touris, V. 脕lvarez y A. Portilla, (Libro) Un Curso pr谩ctico de C谩lculo y Prec谩lculo, Ariel Ciencia (2000).