Annie Garner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Clinical Program
Department of Psychology
Courses Taught
Undergraduate: Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology; Graduate: Clinical Practicum; Lifespan Developmental: Clinical Implications; Child Psychopathology and Assessment; Child Interventions
Ph.D., University of Alabama Birmingham, 2012
M.A., University of Alabama Birmingham, 2009
B.S., University of Alabama Birmingham, 2006
浪花直播 Interests
The majority of studies documenting ADHD-related driving problems have focused on adult drivers with ADHD. Since adolescent drivers are 4 times more likely to be involved in a crash than drivers over age 20 (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2009), there is a need for research examining the combined risk of being an adolescent driver and having an ADHD diagnosis. Moreover, many studies with adults have simply documented differences between those with and without ADHD on various driving outcomes providing limited information about why individuals with ADHD are at increased risk for poor driving. Garner's research program addresses this limitation by examining why adolescents with ADHD experience driving problems.
Labs and Facilities
Professor Garner is accepting applications for the Fall 2025 academic year. A desirable applicant will have an interest in clinical child psychology. The student will be advised by Professor Garner and would receive research mentorship from Professor Katherine Luking.
Publications and Media Placements
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Garner, A.A., Hansen, A., Baxley, C., Becker, S.P., Sidol, C.A., & Beebe, D.W. (2017). Effect of sleep extension on sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms and driving behavior
in adolescents with chronic short sleep. Sleep Medicine, 30, 93-96.
Stavrinos, D., Garner, A.A., Franklin, C.A., Welburn, S.C., Johnson, H.D., Griffin,
R., Underhill, A.T., & Fine, P.R. (in press, 2015). Distracted driving in teens with
and without Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Pediatric Nursing
(Special Issue: Health Care Transition for Adolescents and Emerging Adults with Special
Health Care Needs and Disabilities).
Garner, A. A., Miller, M. M., Field, J., Noe, O., Smith, Z., & Beebe, D. W. (2015).
Impact of experimentally manipulated sleep on adolescent simulated driving. Sleep
Medicine, 16(6), 796-799.
Narad, M., Garner, A.A., Antonini, T., Kingery, K., Tamm, L., & Epstein, J. (in press,
2015). Negative driving outcomes reported by adolescents with and without attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Attention Disorders.
O鈥機onnor, B.C., Garner, A.A., Peugh, J.L., Simon, J., & Epstein, J.N. (2015). Improved
but still impaired: Symptom-impairment correspondence among youth with ADHD receiving
community based care. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 36, 106-114.
doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000124
Kingery, K. M., Narad, M., Garner, A. A., Antonini, T. N., Tamm, L., & Epstein, J.
N. (2014). Extended visual glances away from the roadway are associated with ADHD-and
texting-related driving performance deficits in adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, 1-12.
Garner, A. A., Peugh, J., Becker, S. P., Kingery, K. M., Tamm, L., Vaughn, A. J.,
Ciesielski, H., Simon, J. O., Loren, R. E. A., & Epstein, J. N. (2014). Does sluggish
cognitive tempo fit within a bi-factor model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?
Journal of Attention Disorders. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1087054714539995
Narad, M., 鈥燝arner, A.A., Tamm, L., Antonini, T., O鈥橞rien, K., Simon, J., & Epstein,
J. (in press, 2014). Parent-teacher agreement on ADHD symptoms across development.
Psychological Assessment.
Becker, S. P., Ciesielski, H. A., Rood, J. E., Froehlich, T. E., Garner, A. A., Tamm,
L., & Epstein, J. N. (2014). Uncovering a clinical portrait of sluggish cognitive
tempo within an evaluation for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A case study.
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1359104514554312
Garner, A.A. Gentry, A., Welburn, S.C., Franklin, C.A., Fine, P.R., & Stavrinos, D.
(2014). Symptom dimensions of disruptive behavior disorders in adolescent drivers.
Journal of Attention Disorders, 18, 496-503. Annie A. Garner 4
Garner, A.A., O鈥機onnor, B.C., Narad, M.E., Tamm, L. Simon, J., & Epstein, J.N. (2013).
The relationship between ADHD symptom dimensions and clinical correlates with functional
impairments. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 34, 469-477.
Becker, S. P., Fite, P. J., Garner, A. A., Greening, L., Stoppelbein, L., & Luebbe,
A. M. (2013). Reward and punishment sensitivity are differentially associated with
ADHD and sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms in children. Journal of 浪花直播 in Personality,
47, 719-727. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2013.07.001
Stavrinos, D., Jones, J. L., Garner, A. A., Griffin, R., Franklin, C. A., Ball, D.,
... & Fine, P. R. (2013). Impact of distracted driving on safety and traffic flow.
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 61, 63-70.
Narad, M.E., Garner, A.A., Brassell, A.A., Saxby, D., Antonini, T.N., O'Brien, K.M.,
Tamm, L., Matthews, G., & Epstein, J.N. (2013). The impact of distraction on the driving
performance of adolescents with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
JAMA Pediatrics, 167(10), 933-8. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.322.
Garner, A.A., Mrug, S., Hodgens, B., & Patterson, C. (2013). Do symptoms of sluggish
cognitive tempo in children with ADHD symptoms represent comorbid internalizing difficulties?
Journal of Attention Disorders, 17, 510-518
Garner, A.A., Fine, P.R., Franklin, C.A., Sattin, R.W., & Stavrinos, D. (2011). Distracted
driving among adolescents: Challenges and opportunities. Injury Prevention, 17, 285.
Garner, A.A., Marceaux, J., Mrug, S., Patterson, C., & Hodgens, B. (2010). Dimensions
and correlates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and sluggish cognitive
tempo. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 1097-1107. doi: 10.1007/s10802-010-9436-8
*Artiga, A.I., Viana, J.B., Maldonado, C.R., Chandler-Laney, C.L., Oswald, K.D., &
Boggiano, M.M. (2007). Body composition and endocrine status of long-term stress-induced
binge-eating rats. Physiology & Behavior, 91, 424-31.
Boggiano, M.M., *Artiga, A.I., Pritchett, C.E., Chandler-Laney, P.C., Smith, M.L.,
& Eldridge, A.J. (2007). High intake of palatable food predicts binge-eating independent
of susceptibility to obesity: an animal model of lean vs obese binge-eating and obesity
with and without binge-eating. International Journal of Obesity, 31, 1357-67.
Chandler-Laney, P.C., Castaneda, E., Pritchett, C.E., Smith, M.L., Giddings, M., *Artiga,
A.I., & Boggiano, M.M. (2007). A history of caloric restriction induces neurochemical
and behavioral changes in rats consistent with models of depression. Pharmacology,
Biochemistry, and Behavior, 87, 104-14.
Book Chapters
Garner, A.A., Langberg, J., & Epstein, J.N. (2015). Language and reading difficulties
case. To appear in Galanter, C.A. & Jensen, P.S. (Eds.), DSM-5 Casebook and Treatment
Guide for Child Mental Health. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Garner, A.A. & Epstein, J.N. (2015). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the
pediatric context. To appear in Roberts, M.C. & Steele, R.G. (Eds.), Handbook of Pediatric
Psychology, Fifth Edition. New York, NY: Gilford Press.