Scott Ragland, Ph.D.
Professor; Chair
B.A. 1991, Asbury College
M.A. 1993, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ph.D. 2001, Yale University
浪花直播 Interests
Early Modern Philosophy (esp. Descartes), Free Will, Philosophy of Religion
Publications and Media Placements
Editor (with Sarah Heidt) What is Philosophy? (Yale, 2001)
The Will to Reason: Theodicy and Freedom in Descartes (Oxford, 2016)
"Descartes on Divine Providence and Human Freedom," Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (2005), 159-188
"Love and Damnation," in Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump, ed. Kevin Timpe (Routledge, 2009), 206-224
"Softening Fischer's Hard Compatibilism" in The Modern Schoolman 88:1/2 (Jan & Apr 2011), 51-71
"Free Will and Determinism in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy," The Routledge Companion to Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, ed. Dan Kaufman (Routledge, 2017), 117-142
With Matthew Shea, "God, Evil and Occasionalism: A Response to Plantinga," Religious Studies 54:2 (June 2018), 265-283
With Sahar Joachim, "Is Hobbes Really an Antirealist about Accidents?" European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 14:2 (2018), 11-25
"Laudato Si, The Abolition of Man, and Plato's Republic" Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics Vol. 8 (2018), Iss. 2 , Art. 5
With Everett Fulmer, "," Annals of Philosophy 68:2 (2020), 119-138,